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  • No illegal drugs or activities are allowed on site.
  • No live ammunition, fireworks or explosives allowed on site.  
  • No Indoor Smoking or Candles.
  • Outdoor Fires require an additional agreement. 
  • No Pets allowed without a prior agreement. 
  • Leave the circular asphalt driveway open at all times for access. 
  • No climbing on the rock retaining walls —rocks may fall.
  • There are no railings on the stone stairs-- use at your own risk. 
  • No walking on stone stairs when wet/covered with leaves (slipping hazard).  Take alternative paths to the lake or the big garage area. 
  • Stay on paths & lawn for safety and respect plants and wildlife.
  • No digging. Ground nesting hornets are aggressive and will attack if their nests are threatened. If you hear them buzzing move away rapidly.
  • Don’t feed or approach wildlife.  
  • Fishing is welcome, with a catch and keep limit of 3 fish a day. Please clean fish in the laundry room.     
  • No swimming or boating on the Lake when inebriated or in an altered state due to drugs. 
  • Children under 16 must have the accompaniment of an adult on the dock and when swimming. 
  • No more then 8 people at a time are allowed on the dock or swimming from the dock.
  • No loud noises or music down at the lake.  
  • Outside Deck: BBQ use must be supervised by an adult.
  • Careful near deck edges.
  • Night Safety: 
  • There is minimal outdoor lighting.  The property is kept dark at night for the benefit of wildlife. Guests are responsible for their own safety and safely maneuvering vehicles.  
  • Leave the front porch light on if returning after dark.

Steam showers: 

  • The Steam operates via an on-off button & has no temperature control.
  • Steam comes from the silver piece on the showerhead wall. 
  • Don’t touch the steam head piece. It becomes very hot and is a burning hazard. 
  • The temperature inside the shower can be controlled via:
  1. Turning the steam on or off
  2. Dripping cold water over the steam head  
  3. Cracking open the door. 
  • It is recommended that you turn the steam shower on, close the door then let it run for a bit before getting in.   
  • Do not leave the steam door open unattended or let condensation run-off.
  • Children under 18 or people who are medically compromised (e.g.: hypertension, wounds, dehydration, confusion, inebriated or in an altered state, fever etc.) are not allowed to use the steam rooms. 
  • Re-hydrate after Steam room usage in proportion to the amount of sweat.  

Use of these facilities are at your own risk.

Common sense and clean up of spills or other hazards created by your group are required.  

No toxic substances are allowed down any drain. Please limit your use of soaps and other cleaning substances. The property is on a septic. What goes down the drain is filtered in the septic tank then the roots of plants, eventually seeping into the lake. Please help protect the lake.   Please contact the owner/caregiver if further clarification or instruction is needed.